torstai 13. lokakuuta 2016

Diabetes: An Entirely Preventable & Reversible Condition

Diabetes: An Entirely Preventable & Reversible Condition

Posted on: 
Friday, February 24th 2012 at 12:30 pm

The title of this article may sound like heresy to those who have been schooled
to believe that when diabetes "happens" to you, it is with you for life. There is far
more to the story than both drug and naturally-based palliative medicine normally
touches upon. 
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) statistics, diabetes now
afflicts 25.8 million Americans, or 8.3% of our population. Only 5% of diabetics
are type 1, where through autoimmune destruction of insulin producing beta-cells,
they are told they have a lifelong dependence on insulin. The rest are classified
as type 2, resulting from insulin resistance (the cells of the body stop responding
to insulin) combined in some cases with insulin deficiency. Additionally, according
 to the ADA 1 in every 4 Americans have pre-diabetes, or 79 million.
What's causing this epidemic?
While geneticists apply vast amounts of time, energy and money to finding the
"causes" of disease in our genes, much less attention is placed on well-known
 triggers of autoimmunity such as infections, vaccines, pesticide and petroleum
exposure (diesel fuel particles) and the consumption of foods like wheat,
cow milk and soy (unfermented, GMO and/or excessive) are the major contributing
factors in the development of type 1 diabetes. Additionally, the consumption of
high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oil and basic deficiencies of omega-3
fatty acids, magnesium and chromium contribute to the development of type
2 diabetes.

Blaming "bad genes" on diseases like diabetes is a convenient way to escape
the obvious things we can do individually, and as a culture, to prevent the escalation
of an already epidemic problem.

We shouldn't settle for the unlikely prospect of a future "cure" via the pharmaceutical
pipeline, gene therapy, stem cell research or similar high-priced technological
endeavors, when the cause (and therefore the cure) of diabetes may be as close to
us as what is at the end of our fork.

It is accepted truth that type 1 diabetes involves the immune system attacking
the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. Subsequent damage to the pancreas
leads to the reduced capacity to produce insulin. While geneticist look for the
 "bad genes" that are supposedly "causing" the autoimmune problem, it is well
documented that in susceptible individuals something in wheat known as gliadin,
for instance, stimulates diabetogenic class II HLA antigens on the surface of
the pancreatic islet cells (cells that normally do no display these antigens), marking
 them for autoimmune destruction. [Do dietary lectins cause disease? BMJ.
Also: The Dark Side of Wheat].

Not everyone who eats wheat will develop diabetes. Different people will exhibit
differing degrees of susceptibility to wheat proteins and this is why it is right to
say that there is a "genetic component" to the development of type 1 diabetes,
or to any disease. But acknowledging the existence of genetic differences and differing susceptibilities to illness in a population is not to say that genes are "causing"
the disease (read my short essay on why genes don't "cause" disease here).

In the case of the wheat protein gliadin, it is not the gene that is causing the islet
cell to present an antigen on its surface. It takes wheat gliadin to activate the
genes necessary for this cellular transformation. To use an analogy, the genes
predisposing one to higher risk for diabetes are like an "unloaded gun."
The "bullets" are certain antigenic foods like wheat, cow's dairy and
(unfermented, GMO and/or excessive) soy. The "triggers" that "fire" this
"loaded gun" are varied, from prolonged exposure to these foods, to increased
intestinal/gut permeability, vaccinations, viral infections, pesticide and chemical
exposures and perhaps a multitude of as of yet unknown factors.

If we know that the two most commonly lauded "health foods," cow's milk products
and wheat are implicated in the development of type 1 diabetes, wouldn't it be a
good idea to remove them from the diets of our young as a precaution?
What is the other alternative? Succumb to the fatalistic fallacies of the "gene theory"
of disease, and just hope that our children won't develop the disease because
they do not have "the bad gene," or have just been lucky in the game of nutritional
 Russian roulette?

Even after the beta cells in the pancreas have experienced significant levels of
destruction, and there is now insufficient insulin to keep blood sugar below toxic
levels, the medical establishment pretends like the body's self-healing and
regenerative abilities don't exist. Every minute 60,000 cells in our body are reborn,
and over the course of 100 days all approximately 17 trillion are replaced by
new cells. If one can remove the causes of autoimmune self-destruction by
clearing infections, removing diabetogenic foods, correcting mineral and vitamin
deficiencies and imbalances, shifting the tissue and blood pH back from dangerously
 acidic levels, and supplementing the diet with proven beta-cell regenerating
foods, herbs, or nutrients, the pancreas (in some cases) can regenerate
beta cell function. [see list of beta cell regenerators here].
Ideally a good endocrinologist or clinician will test for C-peptide levels the moment (s)
he is confronted with a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic. The proinsulin precursor
to insulin produced by your beta cells is composed of three parts: two insulin side
chains, named A and B, and a peptide holding the two together known as C.
 Once the proinsulin is enzymatically degraded by the beta cells and its constituent
parts released into serum to do their job, it splits off into three separate parts
leaving the C-peptide as an accurate marker of just how much insulin the diabetic
body is producing. Taking a baseline reading at the beginning of treatment
the pancreas' level of health insofar as it reflects its remaining capacity to produce
insulin. Instead of blindly throwing synthetically produced insulin at the problem
(which through a negative feedback loop may cause beta cell regeneration to flounder,
or cause further atrophy of those cells) a bare minimum of insulin should be used
while encouraging the diabetic pancreas to come back on line with more of its own
production.  Also, natural substances could be used that protect the remaining
 beta cells from further degeneration.

Moreover, the form of insulin being passed on as "bioidentical" with misleading
names like Humulin and Humolog is a byproduct of recombinant DNA technology.
All prescribed forms on the market, including Lantus, come from GMO E. coli
bacteria which produce a form which is not as compatible with the human body
 as the once universally available bovine or porcine forms. Access to glandular
extracts have been barred in the US mostly due to drug company pressures
(You can order these animal forms from Canada over the internet).
 If the drug companies and their enforcers (FDA) have their way, all bio-identicals
 and/or animal glandulars will be made illegal or unavailable in the future, including
Armour thyroid in favor of levothyroxine.

Ultimately, type 1 diabetes can be prevented. Even after there is established damage
to the pancreas, much of the damage can be reversed. These words may be heretical
to the conventional medical establishment, but absolutely rudimentary from the
perspective of basic biology and enlightened nutrition
Type 2 diabetes, and the pre-diabetic state of insulin resistance that precedes it,
are caused by the following preventable factors:

1) Excessive consumption of empty calories.
2) Inactivity; lack of exercise.
3) Consumption of "hidden sweets," which are high-glycemic foods that don't taste
sweet but make the blood sweet, e.g pasta, cereal, crackers.
a) Excess sugar, but even worse....high fructose corn syrup, and other sources of
concentrated fructose: e.g. agave.
4) Hydrogenated oils.
5) Nutritional deficiencies of minerals, especially magnesium, chromium and zinc, and
omega 3 fatty acids, as found in foods like flaxseed, walnuts and wild fish.
6) Chemical exposures, including environmental pollution, e.g. pesticides, and drugs,
e.g. various prescribed and over the counter drugs.

One of the basic mechanisms of insulin-resistant hyperglycemia (type 2 diabetes)
 is as follows:

When we eat beyond our capacity, excess energy is stored in the body as glycogen
and saturated fat. When through prolonged over-consumption of food our body no
longer has room to store these unneeded calories, insulin resistance emerges.
In order to protect from over-nutrition, the fat and muscle cells begin to lose the
number of insulin receptors and/or loose function, thus reducing the amount of
glucose that may enter. This causes the blood sugar to raise to unhealthy levels,
leaving the pancreas with no other option than to overcompensate and produce
more insulin. The resultant elevation of insulin levels can cause a number of adverse cardiovascular, neurological and endocrine effects.

If this cycle continues, eventually the insulin producing beta cells may become exhausted and lose their ability to produce insulin, resulting in "double diabetes" where you have low insulin and high blood sugar as well as insulin resistance.

Caloric restriction (especially carbohydrates) becomes of vital importance in forestalling the development of type 2 diabetes. Exercise is essential in helping the body use up stored energy, converting calories consumed into calories burned. Exercise has the opposite effect of over-eating, increasing the number of insulin receptors in muscle and increasing the sensitivity of the body to insulin thus releasing the pancreas of the burden of constant insulin production. Exercise also results in the release of appetite suppressing hormones and neurotransmitters which help to forestall over-eating.

Carbohydrates generally have an insulin secreting effect on the body because they have a high glycemic rating, relative to proteins and fat. That is to say, carbohydrates cause the blood to become sweeter than protein or fat, which are broken down slowly in the body, independently of insulin. Even so-called "complex carbohydrates" like puffed rice have higher glycemic ratings (110) than white sugar (80), which is itself 50% fructose, and therefore less likely to induce an insulin response than these "whole grains." On the flip side, fructose while having a low glycemic rating, can raise blood sugar on the back end by reducing the affinity of insulin for its receptor contributing to insulin resistance and elevating blood glucose. Fructose also undergoes glycation ("caramelization") much more readily than other carbohydrates, which contributes to much of the morbility and mortality associated with elevated blood sugar.

When it comes to "whole grains," no food category is associated with greater misunderstanding in realm of blood sugar disorders. The perception that "whole grains" are good for our health and should be consumed in plenty is based on the assumption that the millions of years of biological evolution that preceded the advent of the agrarian revolution (circa 10,000 b.c.) are no longer relevant. We spent 300,000 years as archaic homo sapiens in the capacity of hunters, gatherers and foragers, where the consumption of cereal grasses, and especially the seed form of these grasses, would not have occurred with any regularity, if at all, excepting starvation pressures.

Our metabolism is simply not designed for large amounts of starch, sugar, and synthetically produced sweeteners and fats. We need fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, and high quality sources of protein in plenty. Evidence exists demonstrating that the glycoproteins in starchy grains known as "lectins," can bind to the leptin receptors in the hypothalamus blocking out the appetite suppressing effects of the hormone leptin. This is one reason why bread, pasta, cereal, crackers, etc. can generate incessant cravings and contribute to a condition known as "leptin resistance." Wheat lectin also has affinity for insulin receptors in the body which could result in both insulin-receptor stimulation based weight gain and/or insulin resistance, and which explains why it is used to get cattle to slaughter weight quicker.

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and purified fructose have both been shown to cause insulin resistance in rats and humans. There are, in fact, over 70 other adverse health effects linked to purified fructose consumption. Hydrogenated oils also dramatically reduce the responsiveness of our muscle and fat to insulin, whereas omega 3 fatty acids increase that responsiveness.
To view our extensive data archive on the subject on potentially beneficial substances, dietary considerations and the relevance of drug and environmental chemical exposures in type 1 and type 2 diabetes, visit our pages on the subject below.
Diabetes Mellitus: Type 11003215Downloadable Document
Diabetes Mellitus: Type 1: Prevention15324
Diabetes Mellitus: Type 21911315Downloadable Document
Diabetes Mellitus: Type 2: Prevention827
Diabetes: Bone Quality & Density32
Diabetes: Cardiovascular Illness678104Downloadable Document
Diabetes: Cataract2314
Diabetes: Cognitive Dysfunction319
Diabetes: Dental Problems21
Diabetes: Eye Disease43
Diabetes: Gastrointestinal dysfunction21
Diabetes: Gestational121
Diabetes: Glycation/A1C21033
Diabetes: Hearing Loss21
Diabetes: Hypertension121
Diabetes: Immune Problems21
Diabetes: Kidney Function7522
Diabetes: Lipids/Cholesterol142
Diabetes: Liver Disease84
Diabetes: Low Immune Function223
Diabetes: Maternally Inherited (with deafness)101
Diabetes: Memory Problems101
Diabetes: Nitrogen Economy21
Diabetes: Oxidative Stress6517
Diabetes: Prevention21
Diabetes: Reproductive21
Diabetes: Sexual Dysfunction/Reproduction21
Diabetes: Skin101
Diabetes: Vascular Dysfunction101
Diabetes: Visual Dysfunction21
Diabetic Amyotrophy1711
Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy1741
Diabetic bladder dysfunction202
Diabetic Complications1239218Downloadable Document
Diabetic Cystopathy21
Diabetic Embryopathy02
Diabetic Lipotoxicity11
Diabetic Microangiopathy335
Diabetic Nephropathy4318
Diabetic Neuropathies41233
Diabetic Neuropathy228
Diabetic Retinopathy2410
Diabetic Ulcer12219
Diabetic: Bladder Dysfunction21
Diaetes: Vascular Dysfunction21
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

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